Our song
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
She never sits sat sat
You can never dream dreamt dreamt during her classes
When you do her exercices, you feel felt felt stupid
She often forgets forgot forgotten to «defreeze» the beamer.
Her name is Ms Guarino!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
He builds built built some beehives
He tells told told «c’est la HESS»
He is Mr Triscornia!
He breaks broke broken our dream because he says that we will have to work our whole life
He says said said «it’s up to you!»
He is Mr Perret!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
When a test is done, he forgets forgot forgotten to correct it every time
We go went gone to the radio with him
He feeds fed fed us with candies
He wants to sleep slept slept every morning
He is Mr Figueiredo!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
As soon as she enters the classroom, we hear heard heard «Fenster aufmachen»
She sings sang sung with the word «Kanu»
She breaks broke broken «Alberto the cactus»
She hates when we hide hid hidden «die Rute»
She is Mrs Marignac!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
When he sees saw seen us, he says Namaste
We fall fell fallen in love when he sings sang sung
We must pay paid paid Mr Gaillard to have a good grade
He gives gave given money to students
He is Mr Gaillard!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
She gives gave given too much homework
She drinks drank drunk an ice coffee everyday
She is Mrs Tutaj!
She says said said «open Pages»
She speaks spoke spoken a lot
She is Mrs Roch!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!
She cut cut cut the pigs’ hearts
She often shows showed shown a «Abracadascience»
She is Mrs Käslin!
When we run ran run because he tells us to do so, we break broke broken our legs
He says said said «grrrr» when we speak spoke spoken
He is Mr Monod!
Mrs Guignard teaches taught taught us the irregular verbs
We learn learnt learnt a song
And now we make made made a song with them.
Here it is!